Lake Windermere Community Clean Up
Lake Windermere Community Clean Up

Lake Windermere Community Clean Up

Did you know that in 2020 30% more plastic entered the oceans compare to 2019? This was a result of the increased need for personal protective equipment (PPE) and single use items for restaurants, hospitals and the general public. Marine plastic pollution has increased due to state and city rollbacks on bans of plastic as well as with the improper disposal of PPE such as masks and gloves. While we may be a long ways off of the ocean, Lake Windermere stands to lose a lot if we allow land based waste to enter the aquatic ecosystem.

If you want to be a part of making a difference in our community, join us! On April 18th from 11am to 1pm we will be mobilizing passionate volunteers to help with all aspects of a community clean up! We are looking for volunteers to fill three key roles:

  1. Water Based Waste Collectors
    Water Based Waste Collectors will head out onto Lake Windermere in a canoe, kayak or paddle board and collect waste from the water side. You are welcome to bring your own vessel – or borrow one from Columbia River Paddle for no charge (limited spots available). Due to the fact that the water will still be quite cold, and collecting waste will make for unstable conditions you MUST have prior paddling experience
  2. Land Based Waste Collectors
    Choose a neighborhood, shoreline, park, or street to clean up! Now that the snow has fully melted and the streets have been swept, we are starting to see the garbage that winter was keeping hidden. You can pick a location close to your home or your heart (or both!), that you want to be a part of making a little bit brighter.
  3. Supply and Waste Station Champions
    Don’t want to get your hands dirty? This may be the role for you! Help us provide the Waste Collectors with the necessary equipment to safely participate in the clean up, and receive waste and supplies returned at the end of the clean up – to be picked up by organization staff.

To ensure everyone’s safety, we will be following all Public Health Guidelines for Covid-19, to help us do this please:

  • Wear a mask and use hand sanitizer (provided) when picking up and dropping off supplies
  • Only register to participate in the clean up with your household or core bubble
  • If you are feeling unwell, stay home

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