Lake Ambassadors need Volunteers
Lake Ambassadors need Volunteers

Lake Ambassadors need Volunteers

We still need a volunteer for one more day of water quality monitoring. This is your chance to take a leisurely trip down the lake and learn about monitoring techniques and lake ecology. We will be heading out Tuesday, September 4th, from 8:30 am until 1pm. Sign up today!

The plants are growing at the new Kinsmen Beach restoration site – but the weeds are growing even faster! If you’re an avid gardener without a garden, here’s your chance to get your hands dirty. The plants also need some extra water throughout the summer months. A bucket is stored in the community garden shelter (by the fish pond) so feel free to do some watering any time you are able.

We will be organizing a community weed-pull later this summer. Volunteers will make this event possible!

Contact the Lake Office if you are interested in helping out: (250) 341-6898. Don’t have time to help? Donations are always welcome and charitable receipts can be issued through the District of Invermere.

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