Since the adoption of the Lake Windermere Management Plan (LWMP) by the Regional District of East Kootenay and District of Invermere more than six years ago, it has been steadily advancing towards implementation.
The LWMP is a plan that helps guide government decision-making, water quality monitoring, and public engagement programs within the Lake Windermere watershed.
The goals of adopting recommendations from the LWMP are to help guide local lake management protocols, and help ensure a sustainable future for Lake Windermere.
Lake Management Report Card
To highlight how our local governments and Lake Management Committee have been implementing the recommendations from the LWMP since its adoption, the Lake Windermere Ambassadors have prepared a 5-year summary in the form of a Report Card.
The Report Card helps clarify the plan’s objectives for a new reader. It also highlights significant progresses made to date, and areas of the LWMP that still need improvement.
The Report Card is intended to help focus the efforts of the Lake Management Committee and to provide feedback to the RDEK and the DOI about the current status of the LWMP: what areas have been implemented so far, and what areas of the plan still need work?
Who is the Report Card for?
Members of the general public who are interested in the current status of lake management will benefit from a read-through of the Report Card.
A significant part of being a local resident, second homeowner, or recurring visitor means understanding what’s going on with the local management of your waters. A survey at the end of the Report Card provides you the opportunity to share your feedback directly with the Lake Management Committee and two local governments.
The Report Card in its current state gives local lake management a “B” average based on the individual plan recommendation areas.
The Lake Windermere Ambassadors are hoping to increase the public’s awareness of the LWMP through the release of this Report Card. A short two-pager summary as well as the full report with survey attached can be found online, at:
Come learn more!
The Ambassadors are also holding an information session on the morning of Saturday, November 25th to provide more information about the LWMP and the activities of the Lake Windermere Ambassadors over the past six years. Drop-in to the info session between 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM, at the LWA office located next to BC Services (625 4th Street).
For more information contact or phone (250) 341-6898