LWA Looking for a Treasurer
LWA Looking for a Treasurer

LWA Looking for a Treasurer

The Lake Windermere Ambassadors, a non-profit Society, require a volunteer with a financial background to act as their Treasurer. This opening on the Board of Directors provides a permanent or part-time resident of the Columbia Valley with a chance to have a measurable impact on the ecological health of Lake Windermere.

The Treasurer reviews the Ambassadors’ accounts and banking on a monthly basis and acts as the liaison between the Society and its bookkeeper.

Responsibilities include:

1. Financial Administration: Periodically review and discuss financial procedures with the Executive Director and bookkeeper and be accountable to members, donors, funders and the governing board.  The LWA have a paid bookkeeper that maintains the accounts of the society and provides monthly financial statements for review by the treasurer.

2. Financial Management: Includes working with the Executive Director and the Board to assist in developing an annual budget to reflect the strategies and plans of the society for the ensuing year.  Prior to each board meeting, meet with the Executive Director and the bookkeeper to review the financial statements and highlight important items for consideration by the board.

3. Fundraising Advice: Includes working with the Executive Director and members of the board or other advisory members to help develop and execute a fund raising program.  Generally the Executive Director is quite familiar with various funding agencies and their application process.

If you would like to be part of this innovative and rewarding community organization, please contact:

Terry MacRitchie, Chair:  info@lakeambassadors.ca



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