Summer Splash 2017
Summer Splash 2017

Summer Splash 2017

Sunday August 6th, 2017 marked the our 8th annual Summer Splash event. The Summer Splash is an educational outreach event held by the Ambassadors in partnership with a variety of organizations and local businesses that rely on the lake for their success, and it aims to attract both full and part-time residents alike in a celebration of lake health and values. This event also serves to raise awareness on the importance of upholding sustainable lake practices and valuing water as an ecological, recreational, and economic artery. The Summer Splash demonstrates the overall vision and programs delivered by the Lake Windermere Ambassadors within the communities surrounding Lake Windermere.

We were happy to have had such an energetic and curious group participating in our partner’s and our’s activities this year. Our audience had a wide variety of  recreational and educational activities such as kayak races and demonstrations, paddle-board yoga, invasive species trivia and games, water sampling demonstrations, watershed-themed sandcastle art, sidewalk art describing what contributes to a healthy river, and fact-based educational games about Lake Windermere and the Columbia River system. It was great to see so many people engaged and interested about Lake Windermere!

We are very grateful to our partners: Columbia River Paddle, Mountain OM & H2Flo Yoga, East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC), and the province of B.C.’s Invasive Mussel Defense for making this event possible, and for helping us bring together the diverse lake community!

A huge thank you must also go out to Canadian Tire, AG Valley Foods, Kicking Horse Coffee, Syndicate Board Shop, and Home Hardware for donating supplies and prizes to us.

On behalf of the Lake Windermere Ambassadors and all participants of the Summer Splash, we would like to thank Columbia Basin Trust for providing us with the funding to help make this event a success and helping to increase lake appreciation and watershed literacy within our community. We also thank our community sponsors and event partners.

Special thanks must also go out to our summer student, Katie Watt, for coordinating the event, and to our volunteers for helping put the Summer Splash into motion. We are grateful to everyone that participated in our activities, and we hope to see you again next year for another Lake Windermere celebration.

Program Coordinator, Thea Rodgers, demonstrates how to use our piece of equipment called the “secchi disk” to a curious young man at our water quality booth
A young girl competes against several others in our watershed-themed sand castle contest.
Thea Rodgers plays our “fishing for facts” educational activity with a couple of curious participants,
Family members race against each other, but can still pose nicely for a photo after competing in the kayak races held by our event partner Columbia River Paddle
Our awesome volunteer, Victoria Gordon, sits with some food and drink provided by one of the wonderful families who participated in our activities.
Our fantastic partners from ECISK pose at their educational booth. Their tent blends right in with the scenery!


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