Watershed Conversation a Success!
Watershed Conversation a Success!

Watershed Conversation a Success!

The Lake Windermere Ambassadors hosted a watershed conversation on April 9, 2013. Thirty guests and five presenters attended this half day event.

Information shared in the presentations included: defining our watershed; forestry impacts on water and what a Community Forest can do to protect water; a fish’s perspective on our watershed; hazards in the watershed — landslides and climate change; and future development possibilities.

Participants expressed their values for the watersheds’ mountains, grasslands, wetlands and water bodies.

Participants held conversations in small groups related to their concerns about the watershed, now, and in the future.

At the end of the day, participants answered three burning questions:

*In what ways is the watershed calling for our attention?
*What is needed? What can we do? How do we get there?
*What’s your Big Idea?

Three “Big Ideas” were:

*Develop local watershed governance
*Broaden the conversation
*Initiate water quantity monitoring on all tributaries

Thanks to everyone for making this a great conversation!

To learn more about this event, or to get involved, contact us at:

(250) 341-6898

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